Cellfina™ Cellulite Treatment

Cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Cellfina™ System is a revolutionary new procedure designed to improve the appearance of cellulite on the thighs, buttocks, and other areas of body with longer-lasting results than ever before. Performed in the comfort of our office by Orange County plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Mills, this minimally invasive technique works by targeting and releasing the structural connective bands responsible for visible dimpling on the surface of the skin. In as little as one treatment session, patients can often achieve smoother, healthy-looking skin with minimal discomfort and little to no downtime. Additionally, the results from Cellfina™ have been known to last at least a year, which is the longest FDA clearance for cellulite treatment.

Dr. Mills is currently one of few physicians in the entire country to offer this innovative cellulite treatment. If you are interested in Cellfina™ and would like to schedule a consultation at our practice, please contact us today.

Benefits of Cellfina™

bodybeachCellulite – which often appears as small grooves and/or dimples on the skin’s surface – manifests when pockets of fat underneath the skin push and bend surrounding connective fibers, causing them to pull the skin downward. FDA cleared to release these fibrous bands and help smooth out the skin, Cellfina™ can offer a number of distinct advantages over other alternatives.

Some key benefits may include:

Ultimately, the Cellfina™ System has been so effective that clinical studies show 94% of patients were satisfied with their results after one year.


*Individual Results May Vary

The Cellfina™ Procedure

During the Cellfina™ procedure, Dr. Mills will utilize a small device about the size of a needle to repeatedly administer quick, light pressure on targeted bands in the selected treatment area. This pressure works to fray and eventually release the connective fibers that are causing the appearance of cellulite. Once the bands are released, the surface layer of treated skin should begin to smooth itself out, often is as little as three days.

For most patients, the Cellfina™ treatment can generally be completed in about 45 minutes, depending on the number of areas being addressed. Some minor tenderness and/or bruising in the treated area(s) is normal, and any discomfort experienced is generally described as mild. These side effects of treatment often resolve relatively quickly.

A significant reduction in cellulite is typically noticeable within three days of treatment, and final results have been known to last at least year – sometimes longer. Ultimately, the Cellfina™ System is one of the most innovative cellulite treatments available, and patient satisfaction rates long after treatment surpass many other popular alternatives.

Contact Our Office

To find out if Cellfina™ is right for your needs, please do not hesitate to contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills.