Can I Get a Browlift with BOTOX® Injections?

Frown lines and furrows between the brows, as well as creases along the forehead, are some of the most common aesthetic concerns that affect both women and men at some point in their lives. Treatments designed to smooth away these concerns can significantly rejuvenate the upper face and provide a more relaxed, refreshed, and youthful appearance. Browlift surgery and an injectable treatment such as BOTOX® Cosmetic are two of the most popular options available from our plastic surgeon, and both have distinct advantages depending upon each patient’s particular goals. With this in mind, it is important to be aware of the differences between these two treatments, and what they can and cannot accomplish. 

Technically, it is not possible to get a full browlift with BOTOX® injections. A surgical browlift can improve signs of a drooping brow, literally lifting the brow to a higher position and addressing lax skin, severe frown lines, and prominent creases on the forehead. Browlift surgery can not only produce significant rejuvenation of these areas, but also yield results that last for years. BOTOX® Cosmetic can reduce signs of mild to moderate furrows between the brows and creases that have developed along the forehead, but BOTOX® injections cannot correct the appearance of a descended brow or have any effect on excess, inelastic skin affecting these areas. Plus, the results of BOTOX® Cosmetic are temporary; the effects for most patients will fade after about three to four months, and “touch-up” treatments will be necessary to keep the results going for extended periods. 

That said, for patients who have concerns that can be successfully addressed with BOTOX® Cosmetic or other injectables—and who are specifically looking for options that allow them to avoid the downtime required for surgery—BOTOX® injections may be an ideal choice. Those who have aesthetic concerns that can only be effectively improved with surgery, and individuals who desire more long-term results, are often better-suited to a surgical browlift procedure. Once you meet with Dr. Daniel C. Mills for your initial consultation, he can evaluate your skin and discuss the options that properly align with your needs, goals, and expectations. 

Wondering whether browlift or BOTOX® Cosmetic is the best option for you? Reach out to our team with any questions you may have, or to schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. Mills. He can help you determine the treatment option that can renew your appearance with beautiful, natural-looking results! 

Editor’s note: This blog was originally posted on September 27th, 2016.

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