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Breast Reduction

Quick Facts About Breast Reduction Procedures

  • Sedation: General anesthesia
  • Procedure Length: Approximately 4 hours
  • Potential Benefits: Smaller, more proportionate breasts; a more youthful appearance; reduction of physical concerns related to overly large breasts
  • Recovery: Regular activities can often be resumed after 2 weeks; more intensive activities should be avoided for 3 to 4 weeks
  • Cost: Varies upon specifics of procedure

Women and men alike can achieve life-changing results with breast reduction surgery. The procedure can be incredibly rewarding for individuals suffering from the physical and/or emotional complications of overly large breasts. In the hands of a skilled provider (such as Orange County plastic surgeon Daniel C. Mills, MD, FACS), breast reduction can enhance your appearance, comfort, and overall quality of life.

Regardless of your unique breast reduction surgery goals, Dr. Mills wants to support you throughout the entire process. Our compassionate and experienced staff will do everything we can to guide you through your breast reduction journey. Continue reading to learn more about this popular surgical option.

What Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery aims to produce a smaller bustline by removing excess tissue, fat, and skin. Also known by the medical term “reduction mammaplasty,” this major surgery is frequently pursued by women who wish to make their breasts more proportional to their bodies and rid themselves of the debilitating (and sometimes embarrassing) effects of overly large breasts.*

In particular, candidates may want to alleviate concerns such as:

Moreover, breast reduction surgery is typically best suited for patients with fully developed breasts. Those suffering from certain medical conditions or intending to breastfeed in the future will need to discuss their options with Dr. Mills during their consultation. This first-time meeting is a chance for you to get to know Dr. Mills, explain your medical history and cosmetic goals, and view 3D tutorials explaining the procedure in detail.

What Are the Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery?

Most commonly, breast reduction surgery benefits female patients by:

Along with these potential advantages, breast reduction surgery can make exercising, playing sports, and participating in other physical activities more comfortable. The surgery can also make it easier for women to find clothing that fits properly and flatters their physique.

If you are a male struggling with excessive breast tissue, you may be eligible for male breast reduction (or gynecomastia treatment). Dr. Mills can provide more insight into this option if you so desire.

Breast Reduction vs. Breast Lift Surgery

Although they are sometimes confused, breast reduction and breast lift surgeries aim to serve different purposes. Specifically, breast lift surgery (or “mastopexy”) was designed to combat ptosis, or the “sagging” appearance that can develop with age or hormonal changes. Unlike breast reduction surgery, a breast lift alone cannot create a smaller bustline.

With this in mind, most breast reduction procedures involve at least a small “lift.” The removal of breast tissue during a reduction can result in extra skin excision, ergo reduction of ptosis. Once this excess skin is eliminated, Dr. Mills can lift and reshape the breast tissue (as well as reposition the nipple-areolar complexes) for a more comprehensive contour.

What Does the Breast Reduction Procedure Entail?

drpatientFollowing the consultation, Dr. Mills will ensure that all the necessary lab tests and required health screenings based on your medical history have been completed. If you are a smoker, he will recommend stopping two weeks prior to the date of surgery, until two weeks after. Dr. Mills will also advise you to stop taking certain medication and supplements if needed. This final preoperative appointment will also be a time for you to address any final questions or concerns.

On the day of surgery, patients should allow for approximately four hours from preoperative admission to post-surgical recovery. Dr. Mills and his experienced surgical team will be with each patient throughout the surgery and recovery. To further support the process, we ask that patients have a responsible adult accompany them to and from the surgical facility and be consistently accessible by phone throughout the procedure.

The entire procedure is most often performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. During the surgery, Dr. Mills usually places incisions encircling the areola and extending down to the breast crease; alternatively, he may make incisions in an anchor (or “T”) shape, with extending vertical lines and horizontal lines under each breast. The technique used will depend on the precise amount of excess tissue, fat, and skin to be removed. The nipple and areola can typically be repositioned, as well. In some cases, liposuction can be used to eliminate excess fat from the armpit area. The breasts are then reshaped and the incisions are closed.

What Is Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery Like?

For the first few days following breast reduction surgery, recovery will be facilitated by an elastic bandage or surgical bra designed to bind the breasts and help the incisions heal. If necessary, some patients will be fitted with drainage tubes to remove any excess fluids and ensure the best possible results. After roughly a week, the stitches will be removed, but the surgical bra must be worn for about a month following the procedure.

The day following the surgery, and several times during the following week, patients will come in for a postoperative visit with Dr. Mills. These appointments are extremely important, and we encourage regular office visits during the first week when help with the postoperative regimen is needed. Strict adherence to the postoperative regimen is highly recommended by Dr. Mills, as he feels strongly that the exercises and routine is critical to yielding the best results and minimizing the potential for complications.

During the first postoperative visit, Dr. Mills will remove the surgical bra and determine which type of garment the patient should wear. Following this visit, most patients should be able to shower and use a non-scented deodorant, as long as extreme care is taken with the suture line. Dr. Mills will continue to monitor each patient’s progress and postoperative regime to ensure the breast reduction surgery results in an optimal outcome.

Further, patients are generally able to resume normal daily activities after about two weeks, but heavy lifting and strenuous activity should be avoided for at least three to four weeks. Adhering to these restrictions should help reduce the potential for any undue strain to be placed on the chest throughout the recovery process, allowing the breasts to heal fully and properly.

Will I Experience Breast Reduction Side Effects?

While patients can expect some discomfort, swelling, and bruising following breast reduction surgery, these side effects can usually be managed with medication. The amount of pain experienced after breast reduction will vary from patient to patient, as every individual’s tolerance for pain is different. That said, the majority of women report only a mild to moderate degree of tenderness and/or discomfort during the initial stages of recovery.

Will I Have Breast Reduction Scars?

The extent and visibility of any breast reduction scarring will be dependent on the specific technique employed. Regardless of the approach, however, Dr. Mills does everything in his power to minimize the final appearance of scars, and all incision lines can typically be concealed underneath most blouse, bra, and bathing suit varieties. In the end, patients usually say the physical and psychological benefits of their breast reduction far outweigh any concerns they initially had about postoperative scarring.

How Much Does Breast Reduction Surgery Cost?

The total cost of breast reduction surgery will depend on several factors, such as:

Some insurance companies offer partial and/or full coverage for breast reduction, though this will vary by provider and each patient’s specific plan. For individuals paying out-of-pocket, Dr. Mills works with a plastic surgery financing company – PatientFi™ – that can help qualifying patients make breast reduction as affordable as possible.

“I would implore ANYONE who is considering this serious operation to make a beeline to Dr. Mill’s office and find a slot on his busy calendar. Can’t wait to see Dr. Mill’s smiling face again, and show him what spectacular work he did on my breasts.”*

*Individual Results May Vary

To learn more about breast reduction surgery, please contact Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute to schedule your one-on-one consultation. We look forward to working with you to develop a personalized surgical plan.

Medical References*

Mayo Clinic

Johns Hopkins Medicine