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Facial Procedures

How Much Pain Should I Expect After Facial Rejuvenation Surgery?

The degree of discomfort following any facial rejuvenation surgery will be dependent on a variety of different elements. First and foremost, the number of procedures being performed – whether it’s a facelift by itself or perhaps a facelift combined with… Continue reading

How Much Younger Will I Look After Facial Rejuvenation Surgery?

Generally speaking, most of my patients feel they look about eight to ten years younger after undergoing facial rejuvenation surgery. Of course, the answer to this question really depends on what specific procedure you receive. For example, a facelift performed… Continue reading

When Should I Consider Facial Rejuvenation Surgery?

Contrary to what many believe, the right time to consider a cosmetic facial procedure is really when you first start to notice signs of aging, not when particular indications have been present for a while. When you begin to see… Continue reading

Got Cheeks? Dr. Daniel C. Mills Discusses the Anti-Aging Benefits of “Strong Cheekbones”

Do “strong cheekbones” have an anti-aging effect? The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s online resource recently called attention to the fact that most people experience a loss of volume in their cheeks over time, which can contribute to signs… Continue reading