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Laser Procedures

How Can I Get Rid of Age Spots On the Face?

You may notice darker spots on your face that have developed over time. These are often the result of sun exposure or genetics, and the spots become more apparent as we age. Although wearing a daily sunscreen can help you… Continue reading

CUTERA® Laser Treatments: What to Expect

As revealed in my previous blog post, CUTERA® laser treatments can be excellent for improving the appearance of skin discolorations, tone irregularities, scars, wrinkles, vascular conditions, and more. During the Excel V™ Laser procedure, three customizable laser frequencies are employed… Continue reading

What Skin Conditions Can Be Treated with CUTERA® Lasers?

At my practice, we offer both the CUTERA® Excel V™ Laser and the CUTERA® Laser Genesis™ for non-surgical rejuvenation. As two of the most state-of-the-art laser technologies available, these innovative treatments can improve a variety of perceived blemishes on the… Continue reading