How Old Do You Need to Be for Otoplasty?

Otoplasty, commonly known as “ear surgery,” can correct the appearance of prominent or misshapen ears. At Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute, one of the most frequently asked questions Dr. Dan Mills receives is, “How old do you need to be for otoplasty?”

Fortunately, otoplasty is suitable for patients of all ages, including children. It can be an excellent solution for kids who want to change the size and/or shape of their ears, and can allow kids to achieve a better self-image and increased confidence. 

With this in mind, Dr. Mills believes the decision to undergo this life-changing procedure should be the child’s choice, not the parent’s. Additionally, regardless of the patient’s age, Dr. Mills will perform a thorough preoperative evaluation to determine whether ear surgery is the right option.

If your child is interested in achieving more proportionate or aesthetically pleasing ears, we welcome you to contact Dr. Mills today!

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For more information, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

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