Tummy Tuck
Patient 1

Patient Details*
This patient received a Mini Abdominoplasty
*Individual results may vary
Patient 2

Patient Details*
Patient is a 41-year old female who complained of excess skin and fat to her abdomen and excess fat to her outer thighs and knees. Dr. Mills performed a full abdominopasty and used both ultrasonic-assisted and suction-assisted liposuction to contour her thighs and knees.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 3

Patient Details*
Patient is a 34-year old female who complained of excess skin and fat to her lower abdominal wall due to childbearing. Dr. Mills performed a mini abdominoplasty to remove the excess skin in her lower abdomen.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 4

Patient Details*
Patient is a 34-year old female who complained of excess skin and fat to her lower abdomen. Dr. Mills performed a full abdominoplasty to achieve a flatter and more contoured stomach.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 5

Patient Details*
This 41 year old patient was 5ft. 3in. and 160 pounds at the time of her surgery. She had given birth to 3 children, two through caesarian section. The abdominal muscles had stretched out due to this, and she had extra skin and fat of the abdomen. Dr. Mills performed an abdominoplasty, tightening of the abdominal muscle and tissue, and removing the extra skin and fat. At the same time he performed ultrasonic-assisted liposuction to her outer thighs and Liposuction to her knees. Her after photos were taken 20 months after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 6

Patient Details*
This 56 year old patient had extra skin and fat of her abdomen, and her abdominal muscles had become lax. Dr. Mills used an Abdominoplasty to tighten up her abdomen wall and removed the extra skin and fat. At 6 months, the scar has begun to lighten and narrow and will continue to lighten up to two years after the surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 7

Patient Details*
This 47 year old patient had laxity in her abdominal muscles, and had extra skin and fat of her abdomen and lovehandles. Liposuction alone would not have addressed the issues of the laxity of skin and muscle, so she opted for an abdominoplasty. Her post op photos were taken four months following surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 8

Patient Details*
Before and 1 Year After
40 Year Old Female, Mini Abodminoplasty with Liposuction to love handles and abdomen.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 9

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Before and 4 Years After
49 Year Old Female, Full abdominoplasty with Ultrasonic Assisted Lipectomy (UAL) to love handles.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 10

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Before and 6 Months After
38 Year Old Female, Mini Abdominoplasty with Ultrasonic Assisted Lipectomy (UAL) to abdomen.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 11

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Before and 1 Year After
47 Year Old Female, Mini Abdominoplasty with Liposuction to Upper Abdomen.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 12

Patient Details*
This 41 Year Old Female wished to improve the loose skin of her abdomen. This was treated with an Abdominoplasty. Her Post Op Photos were taken at 3 months after surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 13

Patient Details*
This 35 Year Old Female wished to reduce the loose skin of her abdomen and reduce the fat pockets of her lovehandles. She was treated with Abdominoplasty and Liposuction to the Lovehandles. Her Post Op Photos were taken 5 Years after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 14

Patient Details*
This 42 Year Old Female wished to improve the loose skin of her abdomen and the extra fat at her lovehandles. She was treated with Abdominoplasty and Liposuction to Lovehandles. Her Post Op Photos were taken 6 years after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 15

Patient Details*
32 Year Old Female who wished to improve the loose skin of her abdomen. She was treated with Abdominoplasty. Her Post Op Photos were taken 18 months after surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 16

Patient Details*
49 Year Old Female who wished to improve the loose skin of her abdomen. She was treated with Abdominoplasty. Her Post Op Photos were taken 4 years after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 17

Patient Details*
38 Year Old Female who wished to improve the loose skin of her abdomen and the extra fat of her inner/outer thighs and love handles. She was treated with Abdominoplasty and Liposuction to inner/outer thighs and love handles . Her Post Op Photos were taken 7 years after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 18

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This 51 Year Old Female wished to improve the loose skin of her abdomen. She was treated with Abdominoplasty. Her Post Op Photos were taken 7 months after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 19

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This 44 Year Old Female wished to improve the loose skin of her abdomen. She was treated with Abdominoplasty. Her Post Op Photos were taken 6 months after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 20

Patient Details*
This 39 Year Old Female wished to improve the loose skin of her abdomen and fat pockets of her love handles. She was treated with Abdominoplasty and Liposuction to love handles. Her Post Op Photos were taken 6.5 years after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 21

Patient Details*
This 55 Year Old Female wished to improve the loose skin of her abdomen, and the fat pockets of her love handles. She was treated with Abdominoplasty and Liposuction of her love handles. Her Post Op Photos were taken 6 months after surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 22

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Male patient treated with Abdominoplasty
*Individual results may vary
Patient 23

Patient Details*
This 23 Year Old Male had extra fat and loose skin of the abdomen that he wished to reduce. He was treated with a full abdominoplasty and liposuction to the flanks. His Post Op Photos were taken 1 month after his surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 24

Patient Details*
This 35 Year Old Female had drooping skin below her belly button, and some extra fat at her upper abdomen and love handles. A Mini-Abdominoplasty treated her lower abdomen, and Liposuction treated her upper abdomen and love handles. Her Post Op Photos were taken 2 Years after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 25

Patient Details*
This 40 Year Old Female had loose skin of the lower abdomen and extra fat of her upper abdomen and love handles. A Mini-abdominoplasty treated her lower abdomen and Liposuction her upper abdomen and love handles. Her Post Op photos were taken 1 year after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 26

Patient Details*
This 61 Year Old Female had loose skin of the lower abdomen and extra fat of the upper abdomen. She was treated with a Mini-abdominoplasty for her lower abdomen and Liposuction for her upper abdomen. Her Post Op photos were taken 8 months after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 27

Patient Details*
This 38 Year Old Female had loose skin of her lower abdomen and extra fat of her upper abdomen. She was treated with a Mini-abdominoplasty for her lower abdomen and Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction for her upper abdomen. Her Post Op photos were taken 6 months after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 28

Patient Details*
This 21 Year Old Female had loose skin of her lower abdomen and extra fat of her lateral abdomen. She was treated with a Mini-abdominoplasty for her lower abdomen and Liposuction for her lateral fat pockets. Her Post Op Photos were taken 2 years after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary
Patient 29

Patient Details*
This 41 Year Old Female had loose skin of her lower abdomen and extra fat to her upper abdomen. She was treated with a Mini-abdominoplasty and Liposuction. Her Post Op photos were taken 7 months after her surgery.
*Individual results may vary