Breast Lift

Patient 1


Patient Details*

Patient is a 44 y/o female who had a standard mastopexy using Galaflex with TASPA breast augmentation using SSM 520cc implants and SAL liposuction to the lateral breasts. The photos show before and after 3 years.

*Individual results may vary

Patient 2


Patient Details*

53 y/o female
Procedure: Standard mastopexy with anterior capsulectomy and silicone gel implant exchange (no mesh). He removed style 40 400cc silicone implants and replaced with the same size but new silicone gel implants, SSM 445cc by Allergan Natrelle.
Patient is shown 1 year after surgery.

*Individual results may vary

Patient 3


Patient Details*

32 y/o female who underwent a standard mastopexy using galashape mesh. She is shown 2 years post-op.

*Individual results may vary

Patient 4


Patient Details*

50 y/o female who underwent a standard mastopexy using galashape mesh. She is shown at 1 year post op.

*Individual results may vary

Patient 5


Patient Details*

Patient is a 34-year old female who wanted to lift her breast without altering the breast size. Dr. Mills performed a mastopexy, using the inferior pedical technique. Early post-surgical scars will continue to lighten and narrow up to two years post-operatively.

*Individual results may vary

Patient 6


Patient Details*

Patient is a 31-year old female who was unhappy with the drooping and volume loss to the upper pole of her breasts following pregnancy. Dr. Mills performed a mastopexy, using the flip flop or tissue rearrangement technique. He repositioned the breast tissue and nipple-areolar complex higher on her chest and pointed the nipple up rather than down. He also reshaped the areolas, giving them a smaller, more symmetrical and circular shape. Her scars at one month are still red, but had lightened and narrowed significantly at one year post-operatively.

*Individual results may vary

Patient 7


Patient Details*

Patient is a 31-year old female who was unhappy with the drooping and volume loss to the upper pole of her breasts following pregnancy. Dr. Mills performed a mastopexy, using the flip flop or tissue rearrangement technique. He repositioned the breast tissue and nipple-areolar complex higher on her chest and pointed the nipple up rather than down. He also reshaped the areolas, giving them a smaller, more symmetrical and circular shape. Her scars at one month are still red, but had lightened and narrowed significantly at one year post-operatively.

*Individual results may vary

Patient 8


Patient Details*

Patient is a 44-year old female who desired to lift her breasts, particularly the nipple-areolar complex. Dr. Mills performed a mastopexy, reducing her nipple-areolar complex and causing her nipples to point up rather than down. The procedure also gave her breasts more fullness to the upper and mid pole of her breasts, reducing the droopiness. The patient returned a few years after the mastopexy, desiring more volume and fullness. Dr. Mills performed breast augmentation on this patient, using a 360 cc implant under the muscle.

*Individual results may vary

Patient 9


Patient Details*

30 y/o female; Standard mastopexy using galaFLEX, with implant exchange saline style 68LP 350cc filled to 370cc.

*Individual results may vary