Spotlighting Dr. Alex Ereso’s Fellowship With Dr. Mills

drEresoA graduate of UC Berkeley, Dr. Alex Ereso earned his medical degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. Following medical school, he returned to California to complete both a General Surgery residency and a Research Fellowship at UCSF-East Bay. From there, he went on to complete a residency in Plastic Surgery at Wayne State University in Detroit, succeeded by a Reconstructive Microsurgery Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh.

Presently, Dr. Ereso is in the midst of an Aesthetic Fellowship here at the Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute. Dr. Mills and our staff feel he has been a tremendous asset to our team thus far, so we decided to ask him a few questions to get his take on the experience.

First off, how did you become interested in a Fellowship with Dr. Dan Mills?

Dr. Ereso: I wanted to increase my knowledge and experience in aesthetic plastic surgery, and Dr. Mills has a long history of training successful aesthetic plastic surgeons. His busy practice also allows me to experience how to run a private practice since almost all plastic surgery training programs are hospital or university based. Being able to learn how to run a successful and busy private practice is an experience that I was not able to have during my previous training.

Please describe your Fellowship experience so far.

DE: This fellowship has exceeded all my expectations. I am getting a great experience in aesthetic plastic surgery. I am also learning the medical spa side of a plastic surgery practice, including the use of injectable fillers and non-surgical devices.

What aspects do you find most enjoyable about your Fellowship?

DE: I truly feel blessed to be here. Dr. Mills has treated me like a member of his family. He has high expectations; however, he creates an environment where I desire to exceed his goals and expectations. There are many reasons why I am so pleased about being here, but I believe the relationship Dr. Mills and I have has been instrumental in facilitating the accomplishment of our expectations for my Fellowship.

What areas of plastic surgery do you hope to continue to learn more about?

DE: Learning plastic surgery is a life-long educational process, especially because research and technology continue to yield innovations that were not present during my previous training. If I were to narrow it down to one field in particular, I would probably have to say I am very interested in expanding my knowledge on fat grafting.

What are some aspects of your Fellowship that you’ve found challenging?

DE: After 11 years of training, I think the overachiever in me feels the need to grab the reins and show everyone that I am ready. I have to stop and remember that I am still in training and that these are Dr. Mills’ patients! However, Dr. Mills has been wonderful about training me and appropriately including me in his practice. He is truly a teacher of plastic surgery.

How would you describe your experience working in the Laguna Beach community?

DE: The Laguna Beach community is a unique community unlike any in the world. The people are friendly and the attitude is mostly laid back. It doesn’t hurt that it is always sunny and the temperature is mild. Working with happy folks in a pleasant location sometimes makes you wonder if you are working at all!

Is there anything else you’d like to say about your overall experience so far?

DE: I hope I have been able to convey a sense of how blessed I feel and how valuable this educational experience has been for me. In the end, the experience I have had in this Aesthetic Fellowship comes down to the people that are involved, and Dr. Mills and his staff have been truly exceptional.

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To learn more about Dr. Alex Ereso and his Fellowship, or if you are interested in plastic surgery, please don’t hesitate to contact our practice today.

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