Tips to Make Mommy Makeover Recovery Easier
The overall length and extent of recovery from a mommy makeover will depend on the specific treatments and procedures performed for each patient. That said, there are a few general guidelines that every individual can follow to help make the recovery process as easy as possible. Below, I’ve listed postoperative tips that I pass along to mommy makeover patients at my practice.
- Have help available. Once you are taken home by a close friend or family member, it is imperative that they (or someone else) remain at-hand for at least 24 hours in order to assist you in any way they can. After this period of time, someone should still be around to help out with taking care of children, lifting heavy items, running errands, and other similar activities for at least one to two weeks.
- Find a good position for sleeping. I often recommend patients try sleeping with multiple pillows underneath their back while also keeping their legs slightly bent. Doing so can help diminish strain and tension on healing incisions, effectively reducing discomfort and leading to a thinner scar.
- Move around, but only when comfortable enough to do so. Once any potential discomfort and swelling begins to dissipate, it is important to get up and start walking around for brief periods of time. Doing so helps the blood to circulate better, reducing the chance of developing blood clots while also aiding in the healing process.
- Avoid strenuous activities for several weeks. While non-strenuous work and daily routines can generally be resumed after about one to two weeks, completing strenuous activities too early can negatively affect your results. For this reason, I advise all patients to avoid vigorous exercise, contact sports, running, and other strenuous activities for at least a month.
Ultimately, these are simply a few of the many tips for facilitating the mommy makeover recovery process. Prior to your procedure, your board-certified plastic surgeon should provide a comprehensive list of postoperative instructions that specifically apply to your unique situation.
For more information, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please don’t hesitate to contact our office today.
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