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Orange County Plastic Surgeon Now Offers GalaFLEX Scaffold for Breast Lift Tissue Reinforcement

Dr. Daniel Mills offers the GalaFLEX scaffold for mastopexy patients who need extra breast tissue support.

Dr. Daniel Mills of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute introduces the GalaFLEX scaffold device for breast lift patients who may need tissue support for longer-lasting results.

Laguna Beach, CA — Breast lift surgery – which is medically referred to as mastopexy – is designed to remove excess tissue and elevate a patient’s breasts to a more youthful position on the chest wall, explains Dr. Daniel Mills, a board certified plastic surgeon in Orange County and President of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Unfortunately, he continues, some women who have undergone mastopexy in the past notice a reoccurrence of breast drooping much sooner than anticipated. Exacerbated by aging, collagen, loss of Cooper’s Ligaments and elastin loss, sun overexposure, and a number of other factors, the relatively quick return of breast sagging after breast lift surgery is often associated with weak and/or inadequate breast tissue, he says.

To help prevent the reoccurrence of breast drooping in mastopexy patients who have weakened breast tissue and/or need tissue reinforcement, Dr. Mills now offers the GalaFLEX® scaffold – a bioresorbable, lattice-like device designed to strengthen native breast tissues while promoting the growth of new, natural tissues. According to the Orange County plastic surgeon, key benefits of the GalaFLEX® scaffold for breast lift surgery can include:

“Best of all,” states a recent blog post on Dr. Mills’ website, “the GalaFLEX® scaffold eventually breaks down via hydrolysis and is safely absorbed by the body after about 18-24 months, leaving behind only natural byproducts (carbon and water) and the newly developed, more durable breast tissue.”

Ultimately, Dr. Mills notes that not every breast lift patient will need the GalaFLEX® scaffold to achieve long-lasting results, but for those who are susceptible to an accelerated reoccurrence of breast drooping after surgery, he notes that the tissue support and regeneration made possible by the innovative device may significantly prolong the outcome of treatment.

About Daniel Mills, MD, FACS

Dr. Mills is the current President of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and a renowned leader in the field of cosmetic medicine. In addition to breast lift surgery, he offers a wide array of aesthetic procedures ranging from breast augmentation and mommy makeover to abdominoplasty and facelift surgery. Furthermore, he provides a complete span of minimally and non-invasive skin care and wellness treatments at Laguna Beach Rejuvenation & Wellness, his practice’s medical spa. Dr. Mills is devoted to continually advancing his surgical knowledge and expertise, and he regularly “gives back” to communities both locally and abroad by lending his services to those in need.

To learn more, visit danmillsmd.com and orangecountybreast.com. Dr. Mills is available for interview upon request.


Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute
31852 Pacific Coast Hwy, Ste. 401
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(949) 499-2800

Rosemont Media
(858) 200-0044

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For more information, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

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