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Dr. Mills Performs First PureGraft™ Fat Graft in Orange County

Dr. Mills Performs First Pure Fat Graft in Orange County

Dr. Dan Mills recently performed the first Cytori PureGraft™ fat graft aesthetic enhancement procedure in Orange County. At the Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute, Dr. Mills’ patient desired a mommy makeover that included a combination of procedures such as liposuction, a butt lift, and a mini tummy tuck in Orange County. Dr. Mills said the Cytori PureGraft™ System is much more efficient because it prepares the fat as it is harvested, which requires much less time than traditional methods.

In the past, the patient’s fat would simply be discarded when he performed procedures that included liposuction in Orange County. However, in this particular case, the patient expressed a desire to avoid using synthetic fat grafts when performing the butt lift, which was made possible by the innovative Cytori system.

Contact the Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute today for more information on regarding the Cytori PureGraft™ System, or to schedule a consultation today.

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For more information, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please don’t hesitate to contact our office today.

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