
Written Testimonials

“I was in for a facial and was warmly welcomed by the staff as always.  The facial was great because it was customized for me based upon what Laura thought was the best option for my skin on that day.  I asked about other services, and despite not having an appointment for them, and despite Dr. Mills having other patients there in the office, I was able to speak with the Dr. regarding future options including a brow lift and an under eye tuck.  He was very patient with me, answering all of my questions in detail, and showing patient before and afters to illustrate his points. Because of my genes, I know that I will need this surgery at some point in the future, and it relieves me to know more about it before my driving and vision become impaired.  This way I can make an informed decision when the time is right for me.

I was also able to have Daxxify injections from Dr. Mills, once again, without an appointment.  Not only did he treat the areas I requested, but he and his staff made a few suggestions about including my chin and bunny lines, which I had never considered before.  I am extremely cautious about who performs my injections, how many units are used, and where the injections are located because I have experienced severe droop in the past.  Dr. Mills is aware of this, and he uses far fewer units and injection sites with me to achieve better results, which not only keeps my budget in mind, but also my goals in mind because I absolutely do not want droop for months at a time.  He also moved me off Botox and onto Daxxify because for me, it delivers longer lasting results and no droop.  I am also very prone to black eyes when injected.  He advises me to apply pressure right away, and over the past five years that I’ve been a patient, I have only experienced the
very mildest of bruising. I would still advise that you give yourself 10 days before an important event for the results to “kick in” and in case of any bruising, but fortunately his
expertise minimized bruising for me each time.  No one knows that I have had Daxxify because I use the least amount possible to keep looking my personal best without looking overdone.  Dr. Mills knows that looking overdone is not my goal, but he is happy to help each patient achieve their own goals to look their personal best for the longest time possible.

Dr. Mills office is easy to find, the parking is never crowded and his office is clean and beautiful.  I have never been “hard sold” on any treatment or procedure.  I have only had my questions answered in the kindest, most non-judgmental and professional manner.”

– Actual Patient*

“I just wanted to drop you a quick note to ask you to please thank Dr. Mills for me. I was there for Botox last week, on Wednesday. I had told him I didn’t think Botox worked very well on me very well, that maybe another kind was better. Even though I haven’t been a patient very long, I trust him implicitly. He patiently explained why he believes it’s the best and why in the past I likely was a little misguided. So, of course I told him to go for it!

I have to say, this is the best Botox I’ve ever had since starting it maybe eight or nine years ago. Hands down. It started kicking in within two days — significantly — not just a little bit. I instantly looked better and it was noticeable. I am less than a week out and it’s great. He told me full results in two weeks, so I am off to a fantastic start. I’m excited. ❤️

Please give Dr. Mills a big hug from me! I just had to tell you so that you can thank him, if you don’t mind. Please share with him my gratitude. Yay!

Thank you!”

“I had to email about the Vaser Shape treatment. The tissue on my abdomen was a ‘thorn in my side,’ but the Vaser Shape has ‘shown me the light.’ I saw a difference in only one treatment and cannot wait to follow up with more. The time it took, the price, and most importantly the end results are completely worth it! Thank you so much.”*

“My experience was so positive and informative! One of my co-workers had her surgery with Dr. Mills and referred me. My consult was with Shari and she was so helpful! She has been in the industry for over 20 years and had great insight into all of my questions. She answered everything and made me feel really confident with Dr. Mills. I will refer anyone looking for breast augmentation for Dr. Mills!! Great experience and I can’t say enough about Shari, she’s amazing! I am working on the financing and very excited to schedule my surgery.”*

“I have been coming to Dr Mill’s office to see Voula for skin care and Kim for Botox for years. They told me about Ulthera several times and after doing a lot of research because I research everything, I decided to have the procedures. I had some mild discomfort and only took Ibuprofen for my procedure. After the treatment I noticed my skin was firmer, better contoured, and the lines were reduced right away. It was like I had a firming mask on my face and the feeling just got better and better over time. It has been a year since my procedure and I am planning to do it again to stay ahead of the aging process. As I said before I research everything! I am always trying new product and treatments for my skin and Ulthera is the BEST thing that I have ever done. I chose to have my Ulthera with Kim because of her knowledge and experience with the procedure and I couldn’t be happier with my results. I am always willing to talk to people who have questions about the treatment.”
– D*

“I would highly recommend Dr. Daniel Mills to all of my friends. My experience with him and his staff fall nothing short of a Wonderful group of people put together. Not only are they very professional but they communicate with you on a deeper level and are very caring and knowledgeable. All of my questions were answered and I have never felt so comfortable with a Doctor than I had with Dr. Daniel Mills.

I had a Breast Augmentation and I could not be happier with the results. I am a 30 year old mother of 3 beautiful little girls and after nursing all 3 of them for 1 year my breast took a big hit.

My confidence and self esteem were not existent, and I just want to say thank you Dr. Mills for taking the time to look at me as a person and understand my needs, wants and fears. I am forever grateful. You have an amazing staff and I have to say I would love to work there and help other mothers or future patients feel at ease and comfortable like you and your staff did for me. My self esteem has come back and I am no longer depressed. My husband cant keep his hands of me! and I can finally fill in my shirts again


“I am a 30 year old woman with two kids ages 6 and 18 months, I’m a super busy mom with my own business and I have been married for 12 years. I was overweight and unhappy with myself and I decided to change last year. My goal was after losing weight to get a breast reduction if I felt I needed it . So one year later I lost 55 pounds and my breast never lost an inch i was still a double E . I did research close to my home town and SALMON, ID popped up, I could not believe it, I called Sue, Dr. Mills’ receptionist, and she was so sweet and so nice! I scheduled my consultation and the meeting was great. I felt so comfortable and my surgery has honestly changed my life. My back pain has improved, and my overall outlook on myself has changed. The staff in California was wonderful too. thank you so much Dr. Mills…

“I am so pleased with the level of professionalism and customer service that everyone in the office displayed. It’s a rare find indeed :)”*

“Hi Shari!
It was a pleasure meeting both you and Dr. Mills. I’ve had a few major surgeries and never has a surgeon spend the time that Dr. Mills spent with Jen and I, he’s awesome.”*

I’ve been receiving Botox Therapy for a few years now. After my treatment facility closed in Newport Beach, I was pressed to find another doctor. That’s when I found Kim at Dr. Mills office! Highly trained, extremely knowledgeable and with a gentle touch, Kim is fantastic. I’m extremely pleased with my results!*

You’re staff is the best, I love the service I’m getting! I’m going to talk to Dr. Mills after my surgery about how awesome you guys are- You all were very human, communicative and understanding of your patient’s needs and wants. I will be calling you before surgery for comfort!*

“I just had my 6-month post-op with Dr. Mills. The results are better than ever and I’m very happy, ecstatic actually! I absolutely LOVE my results!

Diane (his assistant and surgical coordinator) is wonderful and so is the rest of the staff. I highly recommend them. I would recommend watching the video on his website before you go. It is very helpful and it answers most of your questions. Diane is also an excellent source of information and she is very responsive. I did an extensive search not only on the internet but also checking the doctor’s background to see if there are any issues and Dr. Mills was the only one with a spectacular record and tons of patient reviews stating how great he is. He is very well experienced and I highly recommend him to all my family and friends. And believe me you get what you pay for. He has had over 20 years of experience in this field and I’ve had no complications and the results are incredible.”*

“I chose Dr. Mills and his staff because he was highly recommended by a close friend. Living in Europe, I did my research of surgeons in Italy and France. I also looked into having surgery in Australia…I felt the most comfortable with Dr. Mills and his staff of trained nurses who guide you through every step of the procedure. I was very well cared for and they lessened my fears before surgery.

After 5 months post-op, I am pleased to have the same results that Dr. Mills explained to me prior to surgery. I feel that it is important that the results are in line with the expectations of the patients and Dr. Mills and his staff has exceeded this. I highly recommend Dr. Mills and his excellent staff.”
– S.W.

“Thank you for the wonderful transformation you created, physically on my face; and emotionally in my heart – opening the eyes of my soul to see and embrace the exciting “new” road ahead! God has blessed your hands with great talent and gifted your heart with great compassion! Thank you for making me feel important and special.”
– S.I.

“Thank you so much – you are an amazing surgeon as well as an artist. Your guidance and sensitivity has helped me make something that has been difficult for me into somewhat of an exciting new adventure.”
– K.J.

“I highly recommend Dr. Mills to anyone who wants a kind, warm, and gifted surgeon. I flew all the way from Tokyo , Japan to have my BA and tummy tuck done (I am an American living in Tokyo )…It was well worth the 10 hour flight and two week stay in the U.S. I am so pleased with the results and the quality of care I received. If I choose to have anymore plastic surgery, I would only go to Dr. Mills. Moreover, Dr. Mills’ office staff was top-notch.

“The entire office made you feel you were a part of the family. Almost all of his people were former patients who chose to work for Dr. Mills after their BAs. Everyone in his office displayed a high-level of professionalism and knowledge.”
– C.A.

“When my face began to show extreme signs of aging, I started losing my confidence and I felt like I had to try much harder at looking good. I spent an hour in the morning just doing my face and then when I saw myself in the mirror I would be discouraged. Before I had the procedure, I felt young on the inside but my outside didn’t match. Now, I feel confident, radiant and like a complete person.I really feel as if I’m a positive influence on everyone who knows me because I am a different person.

“I can confidently look people right in the eye and feel great about it.I just wanted to say something nice about my experience and especially about Dr. Mills. He gave me a new lease on life in every respect. He’s the greatest. Thank you, Dr. Mills.”
– J.Y.

“The entire office made you feel you were a part of the family. Almost all of his people were former patients who chose to work for Dr. Mills after their BAs. Everyone in his office displayed a high-level of professionalism and knowledge.”
– C.A.

“I can confidently look people right in the eye and feel great about it.I just wanted to say something nice about my experience and especially about Dr. Mills. He gave me a new lease on life in every respect. He’s the greatest. Thank you, Dr. Mills.”
– J.Y.

“As a person living in Manhattan NYC, I was understandably disappointed in my search for what seemed to be a qualified surgeon for my breast augmentation. I get a sense that a combination of cold-weather modesty and an all-too-long-running fashion for Kate Moss body types relegates the local talent here to a whole lot of nose jobs performed on Upper East Side matrons. I guess that if you want milk, you go to where the cows are!! Sunny South Coast here I come!!

“Of the four different doctors that I had initial consultations with, 2 were no-go out of the gate. One of them was so-so, but I knew that I’d found my man after only a few minutes spent in the comfortable, well-appointed office of Dr. Dan Mills in Laguna Beach .

“Can I just tell you what a warm wonderful man this is, the authority of his practice, and a bedside manner that Patch Adams could only dream of – Dr. Mills is the MAN!!

“Also, I should note that his support staff are all wonderful, supportive and well experienced people. I got the feeling that (especially in the few days after the operation) these friendly, professional ladies were available to offer support around the clock. Of all the doctors I visited, Dr. Mills seemed to be BY FAR the most knowledgeable, and experienced and capable of handling my individual needs as a patient.

“I would implore ANYONE who is considering this serious operation to make a beeline to Dr. Mill’s office and find a slot on his busy calendar. Can’t wait to see Dr. Mill’s smiling face again, and show him what spectacular work he did on my breasts.
“Thanks a million.” – Heidi

“For my entire life, I have had light skin and freckles. As a teenager I would bake in the sun and, of course, after the burn (which would turn to tan) wore off, I would have even more freckles and sometimes blisters. I continued to tan (and burn) throughout my twenties and thirties, then came to my senses and stopped.

“However, the damage had been done. From the sun damage there continues to be pre-skin cancer spots and frequent trips to the dermatologist for removal of them. With the “blue peel” the top layer of skin is removed (and also the pre-skin cancer spots) and underneath is a smooth layer of new skin.

“Dr. Mills and his clinical aestheticians continue to give my skin the best possible care with frequent micropeels and an occasional “blue peel”. The “blue peel” has made me look years younger (along with the micropeels).

“On January 12, 2005 I had Breast Augmentation surgery by Dr. Mills. I traveled to California from Florida to have my surgery done. The surgery went smoothly & for the first week after surgery, I had my regular follow-ups with Dr. Mills and Clare York, PA. After being in California for one week, it was time for me to return to Florida. But I was extremely scared and nervous. The only reason why I was so afraid was because Dr. Mills was in California and I lived in Florida. Within the 1st week of getting back to Florida, I had my first phone follow-up with Clare. Before the appointment, I took pictures of my breasts with my digital camera and sent the files to Clare and Dr. Mills to review. Clare then called me at our scheduled appointment times so we could review the pictures together. She informed me of some specific techniques to help my implants drop further into the pocket to give me a more natural look. She also addressed my concerns with the pain I was experiencing near my incisions. With each issue that came up, Clare would ask me to take a photo so she could see the problem areas that I wanted addressed. She would review the photos with Dr. Mills and call back immediately to explain what I needed to do to help with the healing process.”

“After about three months, my implants were not dropping quite as fast as Dr. Mills and Clare would have liked. I was instructed to wear a belt across the top of my chest. Clare took a picture of herself to show me exactly how to wear the belt and how tight it needed to be.

Nine months later, my implants are perfect. I realized through my experience that I didn’t need to be stressed out because I live across the country. Dr. Mills and Clare were so helpful taking the time to explain things to me. I would be happy to fly across the country to have Dr. Mills work on me again, because I know I will have all the follow-up care and support that I would need to heal.”
Thank you Dr. Mills and Clare – Courtney, Tampa, FL

“I lost 16 pounds during the 30 day weight loss program. I not only look better (have received compliments galore!), I feel better than I have in years! My energy is amazing and my food cravings for the “bad stuff” are virtually gone. I crave fruit for the first time in my life.”

“I am ecstatic about doing this weight loss program. I have tried so many ways to lose the fat. From hours in the gym to dieting, this is the first thing that has worked. I have more energy and confidence. I lost 17 pounds during my first 30 days.”

“My wife and I did the weight loss program together. It is the best thing we have ever done for our health and well-being. I lost 26 pounds in 30 days. The best part is how good I feel. Moving around the tennis court is so much easier and fun now!”

“I had multiple facial procedures done in November and am very pleased with the results. I have been told I look ten years younger than my actual age. I can’t say enough about the attention to detail Dr Mills has. He wouldn’t be happy unless I was completely happy. And his staff and his wife Jan made me feel like a part of the family and made me feel very welcome. It was more of a family atmosphere than simply a professional one. My friend Liz, who works as part of Dr Mills team asked me if I had it to do over again would I do it? My answer was yes and I’d pay double what I paid. VERY PLEASED. You will be too. I love Dr Mills. ”

*Individual Results May Vary

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