Is Eyelid Surgery Right For Me?

blepharoplasty-before-afterNot only are your eyes the first place people look to check in with you, but they’re frequently one of the first places to show signs of aging and gravity. These age-related aesthetic concerns – which frequently include excess skin, bags, wrinkles, or puffiness – can make us appear sad, mad, tired, or otherwise less than our best. 

Because our eyes are truly “windows to the soul,” Dr. Daniel C. Mills of Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute believes that many patients can regain a vibrant facial aesthetic from eyelid surgery. Also known as “blepharoplasty,” this procedure aims to enhance the upper and/or lower eyelids for a fresher, brighter, and more youthful appearance. It can also serve to address functional issues, such as drooping eyelids that impede vision. 

Depending on your unique cosmetic goals and medical needs, Dr. Mills can use eyelid surgery techniques to reduce extra skin directly above the eyelashes, remove excess fat along the crease, lift the lateral edges of the eyelid, address pesky crinkles of skin below the lower eyelids, and more. In the majority of cases, blepharoplasty is a straightforward surgical treatment that can have a short recovery time, very low surgical risk, and a very high patient satisfaction rate. 

So how do you know if you qualify for eyelid surgery? The best way to find out is to meet with a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Mills. He can examine your overall health and discuss your facial rejuvenation priorities before determining you an ideal candidate. Dr. Mills believes in helping patients build a “lifetime beauty plan.” In his experience, patients are generally happiest with their appearance when they undergo less aggressive treatments over time – rather than waiting until age, gravity, and the environment have done a great amount of damage.

Ready for your initial consultation with the world-renowned Dr. Mills? Contact Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute today!

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For more information about Blepharoplasty, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mills, please contact our office today.

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